Archive for March 2003

Instant Coffee interview

Instant Coffee interviewed on CIUT’s Visual Voice.


Unbalancing Act by Jo Cook

Unbalancing Act by Jo Cook | Site 19, C-21 Quadrant, Mayne Island BC, VON 2J0 10$ | zine

This is an elegant little book, printed on heavy paper in colour, with a nice juxtaposition of printed text (computer) and handwriting (human touch). I appreciate the fact that the narrative is oblique as much as I appreciate its physicality. The title could refer to a psychological condition, the unbalancing that occurs through trauma. The narrative and loose drawing only hint at this however, and wide latitude is given to the viewer to imagine their own interpretations.

Afield by Florentine Perro

Afield by Florentine Perro | | Site 19, C-21 Quadrant, Mayne Island BC, VON 2JO 10$

Produced with cardstock and color copying, the strength of this zine is in its craftsmanship. It tells an abstract story, the plot of which “could be summarized as the search (eventually succesful) for someone who is having trouble making a fluid appear”. This peice of text is juxatposed with a statement regarding the orgasms of molluscs; that, and a recuring theme of ducks, makes one think that this is an exploration of the emotional life of beings, beyond the usual mamalian limits we put on our ideas. If it walks and talks like a duck, chances are it’s a duck the old saying goes. Combined with Decartes’ “I think therefore I am”, this booklet would suggest that ducks are ducks because they are.