April 7 1986
7 avril 1986
Mon nom est Timothy Comeau.
Je suis en cinquieme anne a l’ecole Jean-Marie
Gay, au comte Digby en Nouvelle-Ecosse (BOW
2Z0) Canada.
Come project pour la semaine d’ Education nousasayon de faire de nouvelles connaissance a
travers la mer.
Ou et quand as-ti trouve cette lettre? Qui est tu?
Box 68 Saulnierville
Digby Conty Ton nouvelle [ami]
Timothy Comeau
[or, en anglais:]
April 7, 1986
My name is Timothy Comeau.I am in 5th Grade at Jean-Marie Gay School, in the county of Digby in Nova Scotia (BOW 2Z0) Canada. As a project for Education Week we are trying to meet new people through the sea. Where and when have you found this letter? Who are you?
Box 68 Saulnierville
Digby Conty Your new friend,
Timothy Comeau
// La Semaine d”education was our favorite time of the year, since it was the week for projects such as these, and roadtrips. I always loved the road trips: the museums in the valley – Fort Anne, Port Royal; the government projects: the tidal power generation station in 1987, listening to Bon Jovi on the bus ride home. We were given a pen to write this letter with, a special pen with indellible ink. It was made to seem all fancy and expensive. Later, with the whole art thing, I recognized the pen as a simple drawing pen.The wine bottles were brought in by the teachers. They probably threw a party to get them all.
The bottles were taken out to sea by a father of one of my classmates. He brought them out beyond the tip of Nova Scotia and dumped them overboard. Two were found in Maine, I think, or at least one was. Another went to New Brunswick. In the year or two following we’d occasionally have a visitor at the school or a letter read from a person who’d found it. This letter arrived for me in 1988, by which time I was in junior high. My sister was at the elementary school and she brought it home. She said there’d been quite a commotion that day, when it arrived. At first I had trouble reading the letter, since the indenting seem exagerated and the ‘m’ looked like ‘n’ or ‘w’s or whatever.