Archive for March 2008


Somewhere on a shelf in San Francisco sits CDs bought in Halifax on Barrington Street. They are old now, there plastic cases fogged with the scratches of use over the years. They were ripped to iTunes a long time ago, and have now become artifacts of the 20th Century, mirrored plastic reflecting no 1990s scenes; hidden in a case, on a shelf, with the Pacific Ocean a park away.


[From Goodreads 08w12:3]

Society has always benefitted from unpaid or underpaid labour; in the past it was blatant slavery, but when that became unfashionable (and unprofitable contrasted to the production offered by machines rather than muscles) the emphasis shifted to calling unpaid labour ‘volunteers’ and nowadays, the most obvious example of all, ‘interns’. But since it is so unpalatable to recognize this as a contemporary form of slavery, we euphemize it away, and consider that we don’t have a slavery class, although there are many people working for a legally determined absolute minimum wage. In other words, we had to be legally coercive to get people paid for basic services. So now it’s officially illegal to not pay people below a certain amount, but this amount is so low that it’s guaranteed to keep the recipient poor. That way, there’s a lot more money available (which could otherwise go to the volunteers, interns, and making the minimum a livable wage) to those in the upper levels of the management.

 (graph via Richard Florida’s Blog)

LOL in the stats

This LOL in the webstats; someone searched for:

“fastwurms exhibit another piece of contemporary crap”

Embrassment of the 2020s

Camilla Belle modeling this decade’s stupid haircut (from). I hate bangs; personally I don’t feel this type of ‘do is flattering on anybody.

Stupid Haircut 2000s)
This is the haircut all the girls seem to be wearing right now.


All that snow has to go . . . where? | The Star

There’s the “equivalent of a 50 millimetre thunderstorm sitting on the ground right now in the form of snow,” says Toronto and Region Conservation Authority chief flood duty officer Ryan Ness.”But it has to be released and melted to get into rivers and streams and cause flooding.”

There hasn’t been this much snow on the ground, this late in the year, since 1968, says Phillips, who measured 28 centimetres of snow accumulation at Pearson airport yesterday.

A Real American Hero

Remember kids, if this asshole were killed in the line of duty he’d be called a hero.

Puppy Killer