Conservative Contraception

My questions:

1. Wasn't the G8 made somewhat irrelevant last autumn when it was decided that the G20 would be more important?

2. Why is this our business? Like, a bunch of women in poor countries are going to care about what Canadians say and do. WTF. You'd think paternalistic programs would be something Conservatives avoid. And perhaps this is where they are coming from? I don't know. I do know that getting all upset at their ideology is a predictable distraction to the fact that this story has no substance. Why can't we have a discussion around the thesis: "Poor women are capable of taking care of themselves". If that statement is false, why? And why is it our (G8) problem as opposed to the governments of the countries where these people live? 

Birth control won't be in G8 plan to protect mothers, Tories say

Posted via email from Timothy’s posterous

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