Archive for May 2012

Websites of the 2080s

On June 8th, Ridley Scott’s Prometheus will premiere in North America before going on to exist as a download or digital file encoded on a disc. Since February there has existed an online marketing campaign consisting of videos and websites, which have prompted me to consider this daily technology as it is now, and how it could be by the time the movie is set, some eighty years from now (reportedly 2093).

By that time we will have resolved a lot of technical issues. Formats will be even more standardized, maybe resembling something like magazines and how templated they are.

Also, I imagine that some other technology will have subsumed the html/css/javascript trinity that is currently behind all sophisticated websites.

HTML is merely a collection of bracketed tags inserted into text files. Barring the development of quantum computers, or quantum/classical hybrids (which Kim Stanley Robinson calls ‘qubes’ in his latest novel, 2312), text files will remain what they are today. HTML as a collection of tags need not necessarily go away … when I began implementing my Journal as a localhost WordPress database, I did so with the understanding that my Journal as a collection of Word .docs was likely to be unreadable in 20 years, whereas HTML was probably future proof.

CSS is another form of text file, but it is already giving was to LESS/SASS as an interface to writing it.

Javascript has exploded as a programing language – I remember when people used to write “… incase people have JavaScript turned off” … and why would they have it turned off? Early on there were security issues. This all seems to be ancient history and Javascript has become a necessity, making websites seem like something belonging to a computer. (That is, an interactive publication rather than a digitized magazine). Javascript has advanced so much in the past five years that Flash is definitely on its way out as a web-interface medium.

The idea of something replacing HTML/CSS/Javascript in ten years (2022) is unrealistic. However, by 2022, we may (as we are now seeing with LESS or SASS) have the hints of something else, with working groups considering the re-invention of the technical language of the Cloud.

By 2042 then, we may have something else. Browsers will still be able to read a webpage from our era by piping the text files through a deprecated renderer, or some form of built in emulator (something like what OS X began using with the introduction of Roseta).

In the past month, I’ve dived into exploring WordPress themes and understanding the possibilities offered by WordPress as a CMS. I’ve used it as a blogging platform for five years, but only in the past six months have I begun to understand its use and potential to drive contemporary websites. The technical sophistication offered by off-the-shelf themes I found frankly stunning, and it is this model I foresee going forward. However, it is this very complicated collection (the WordPress backend remains a mess) that I imagine will be stripped down and simplified, so that by the 2080s, the database to text-file interface will be streamlined that there will be nothing complicated about it.

All of this inter-relation could be integrated into one backend coding interface, and we’ll have something like this eventually.

What is this new form of spam?

Both today and I week ago I got these strange emails from women with M & J initials which seem to come from ambitious young writers. Je ne comprends pas.

I suspect it’s some new kind of bot, & perhaps these emails are an intelligence test? AKA let’s see how many people we can fool into responding.

(I admit that I responded a week ago).

Hypercard April 1997

I recently completed the Web Design Program at Sheridan College, and on the night of our grad show remembered the Hypercard project I did as part of “Introduction to Computers” at NSCAD back in the spring of 1997. Given that Hypercard was in many way a precursor to the web, I wanted to revisit this project as a document of my proto-web work.

I recall doing this very last minute, and at the time I was listening to a lot of Beethoven, so the project was a quick walk through complete with a sound sample of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony taken from the cassette I removed from my Walkman.

The teacher gave me an A.

I recovered this project on 15 May 2012 using a USB diskette reader and the BasiliskII Mac emulator.The cards are presented in a looping sequence:

1) Ludwig van
2) The Skull
3) The Hand
4) The Ear
5) Deafness
6) [back to Ludwig Van and Play his 5th]