Crackpot checklist

This appeared as a comment to this posting on Metafilter:

My department occasionally receives self-published books from people who think philosophers, of all people, should want to know the TRUTH. As such, I can say with a certainty that no rambling philosophical treatise is compete without mention of:1. Unified Field Theory which combines electromagnetism with sexual ergons as theorized by Wilhelm Reich!
2. Antimatter and antigravity
3. Monadic collider for analysis of sub-monadic particles!
4. Qualia as Gravitons
5. Exceptions to the incest taboo.
6. Harmonic meditation techniques for world peace
7. Blurbs from Robert Pirsig and the guy who wrote the Tao of Pooh.
8. The secret treatise contained within Bertrand Russell’s Why I am not a Christian. Guess what? He actually is.
9. Master race theory is optional, but you can bet you aren’t a member.
posted by anotherpanacea at 5:13 PM PST on May 9

anotherpanacea is Josh Miller. To this list I would add references to Edgar Cayce.